We all wish we could be like the celebs and never have to wear the same outfit or dress twice, right? But c'mon that's unrealistic, so one thing we should ALL simply do is keep it 100! However, I cannot tell a lie, I definitely catch myself slipping from time to time because I'm human damn it!
Perfect example, I started getting caught up in this delusional social media mentality. You know the one I'm talking about....not being able to wear the same thing twice when a picture is posted on Facebook or IG. I know you're smiling right now because you're guilty of it too!
I actually believed that I would be buying a new fit, each time I went out. Haha yeah right, that new daycare bill brought me right back to reality! I know it got bad when I brought my daughter to her grandparents house for a family function and my cheeks literally turned pink when I realized she had on the same onsie as the one she was wearing in a picture they had framed up on the wall! Let me put it like this, if Social Media were a drug, vanity would be its side effect!
So I have two choices: (1) Limit my social outings (yeah right, this social butterfly stays turnt - not going to happen!) (2) Figure out a way to rework the outfits I already have (At least until my blog blows up and I get rich, bitch! - sorry I couldn't help myself).
We all can do #2. To pull this off successfully, we just have to keep in mind that each occasion is different so each time we should wear the pieces differently. Check me out, the top pic is me going to a friend's going away party and the second pic is dinner and a movie with the hubby.
Simple & Chic
Casual & sassy |
Your overall look plays a role too! I always feel a bit more spunky and sometimes quirky with my natural hair and grown and sexy with my wigs and extensions. I added the belt as an accessory to the second look adding a bit more character. I also opted to add leggings and wear wedged neutral booties instead of going matchy, matchy with purple pumps.
Outfit details:
Dress Jessica Simpson
Belt from Akira
Purse from DSW