"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." - Maya Angelou

I'd like to personally thank you for taking the time to read through my blog!  I started this blog as a way to constantly remind myself that we, African Americans, Africans, black and brown people are great.  We are strong, intelligent, courageous, passionate, stylish and successful. I wanted a breath of fresh air, as I was tired of the smog that is the news.  I grew tired of the smoke that is mindless entertainement.  iDigg is a platform for the young and restless, tomorrow's elite in fashion, beauty, business and entertainment.

iDigg features  inspiration and motivation I need in my pursuit of freedom and happiness - owning my own salon.  Not just any salon, a mobile salon and barbershop.  Learn more and support my start-up business, The Mobile Parlor !

How I Got to This Point

Funny how there are certain incidents that occur in our life that we will never forget. One of those times happens to be back when I was in high school.  You know every school has "that guy" that all the girls wish they could date.

Well, one Saturday I was being a total bum, unkempt and hungry. All I wanted to do was go grab a fried fish sandwich from my favorite spot. Now I looked a hot mess, do you hear me? A straight and utter disaster.  My hair needed to be washed, it was dry and limp and you relaxed Chicas know, that means my wrap would no longer wrap, it just stuck there limp and lifeless. When the wind blew only a couple strands moved, okay.  It was summer and it was hot, so I had on shorts but my legs looked like I took a dip in baby powder, they were so ashy! Oh yeah and how could I forget, I was giving my eyes a rest and wearing my coke bottle frames that tinted in the sunlight, or really any light smh. So uncool, these were the ones my dad decided to get ON MY BEHALF! P.S. Never, ever let your parents go shopping for you, especially your father.

Anyway, I just knew I wouldn't see anyone on this quick run to the restaurant and low and behold within one second of walking through the restaurant doors my heart dropped. "Kesia! Yo waddup girl?" Awww sh*t, was all I could think to myself. Please don't let it be someone I don't care to see right now. But of course, it was HIM, the guy you only want to see on your BEST days (he shall remain nameless lol). I literally froze, thinking I could wish myself invisible.

He called my name again and there was no hiding.  That was one of the most painful conversations I've had to have in my life! Holding a conversation when you know you look atrocious is NO Bueno!

This memory serves as the reason why I will never walk out of the house less than decent, ever again. Call me what you want, conceded, insecure or petty but one thing is for sure I cannot be my best me if my physical appearance doesn't match my charm.  We say don't judge a book by its cover but truth be told we can't help it. Your appearance does matter, if we don't take the time to care for ourselves
can we really be mad if those around us don't think twice about us?

So before you step out the house, take a quick glance in the mirror and ask yourself, if I saw (fill in the blank) today, would I want to hide or would I speak and then walk away confidently, knowing I'm no less than the BOMB.COM!?!?

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