Saturday, December 20, 2014

Popin' Tags: Thrifting Edition

So I've heard a couple people here and there talk about thrifting.  Thrift store shopping is a whole new beast and it requires time, patience and humility. Sifting through racks and racks of clothes is no easy task but when you find that special piece that diamond in the rough it's well worth it! Not to mention you pay a fraction of the price for items you may otherwise pay an arm and a leg for.

I'm a clearance rack shopper but that can still mean I pay upwards of $20 to $30 for an article of clothing. Now that I'm a mother of two, with a number of expenses, I'm realizing I have to be much more strategic with my shopping. Watch the results of my first thrifting attempt and decide for yourself whether or not you can get into it!

I lurk on many social pages lol, admiring those that put extra effort into their looks. This beautiful lady is one of my favs to follow: @Sharondalinell on IG. Not only is she a gorgeous model but she has a unique fashion sense. She makes her own rules, thinks outside the box and owns it! She is dope, when it comes to piecing together looks, many of which she finds thrifting.

Be sure to check out Sharonda's page for more fun looks!

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