Tuesday, June 9, 2015

All White Everything!

I put this outfit together from the Akira collection

Never have I ever, worn all white.  So, I promised myself that for my 30th I would rock an all white fit. It was comfortable and for me the pop of red in the lip and the shoe topped it off.  When I think of all white I envision Mary J. Blige and Lisa Ray.  Both tend to go for sophisticated yet sexy styles and that was the image I wanted to portray for the evening. My number 1 rule of thumb, KEEP IT CLASSY!

Sexy is not about what you expose and how much of it you expose. Sexy is what you exude and how you carry yourself. It's fun to show skin but you have to portion it out.  The way I see it, if you're going to show cleavage cover the midsection and wear a decent length skirt (knee length or longer).   If you're serving legs then cover the cleavage.  The idea is not to show too much at one time.  A couple peek-a-boos won't hurt anybody but showing the whole shebang can take you from sexy, classy and sophisticated to raunchy and get you called a THOT real quick!

Not sure if you caught Beyonce's 2015 Met Gala look...who am I kidding, I'm sure you caught her sheer look because she pretty much broke the internet.  I'm sure she also broke a few necks and some suffered from whiplash or rubbernecker syndrome as she strolled by on the red carpet.  Sheer is definitely in, but I do think there's a line that can be crossed and she crossed it and then came back and crossed it again! My look blends the all white and sheer concept and still leaves something to the imagination.

Here's my other stab at the sheer.  Guess what bargain shopper got this hot mama sheer dress for $30 bucks! Me, me, me!

Monday, June 8, 2015

New Orleans: The New Vegas or Better???

My trip to the NOLA was nothing less than Ooo's, Ahhh's and Yolo's! 

Oh, ye of little faith! Yes, I'm talking about myself.  I was so overwhelmed in the beginning of the year, consumed with planning my husband's 30th, my son's 7th birthday party, my full-time job (which has been nothing but stressful lately, grrrr!), my now 10 month old, and oh yeah, working on my start-up; I really had no time to plan a spectacular 30th birthday for myself.  And to be quite frank, I was starting not to give a damn.  Last year I promised  myself  I'd do it big since I was pregnant and couldn't "turn up" for my 29th (hahaha this sounds really shallow as I type this, but hey, mommies and wives deserve to treat themselves too!).

So my husband surprised me with a birthday dinner the weekend of my birthday but that morning he gave me a birthday card with a trip itinerary to New Orleans.  Now, I'll be honest my first reaction was pretty lack luster, dry, some may even say wack.  To tell you the truth, all I knew about this city was Lil' Wayne, Mardi Gras and Katrina.  Between those three things I had no clue what to expect.  Ha! Well, little did I know I would be walking off the plane and into a party! From there the food, drinking and dancing NEVER STOPPED.

Some say New Orleans is the new Vegas but in my opinion, it's better. You get the authenticity of the city, natives and overall culture. You experience the jazz and funeral bands playing in the street with people dancing close behind, blocking traffic; the accents, live music and southern hospitality, it's all there! Rather than walking that long ass strip in Vegas (y'all know that strip is long!) in New Orleans you pretty much just walk up and down several short blocks.  Simply stroll  in and out of free clubs (yes, no cover) claim your territory and hit the dance floor!  Oh and the the weather was great, it rained on and off but it's mostly light so it won't spoil your time.  Even if you do come across a storm it won't rain on your parade (pun intended).

Okay so enough talkie talkie, the pictures tell it all!  I'll list all the hot spots and traditional dishes so you know what's a must while in NOLA!  If you have any questions leave a note in the comments box.

We stayed at the Hotel Monteleon, located on Royal Street in the French Quarter.  This hotel was beautiful! As soon as we got off the plane we entered their well-known rotating bar, Carousel Bar.  This hotel is in the middle of it all and you don't need to rent a car. Cab from the airport is 20-30 minutes. If you run into Nolan the doorman consider yourself lucky, he's awesome!
Left: Primm's Cup from the Carousel Bar   Right: Hurricane from Oyster Bar (you can get this drink almost anywhere)
Oh and let me not forget to mention that you can drink in the streets just like in Vegas! 
At the Harrah's Casino

Top left: Red beans & rice with fried chicken from Oyster Bar    
Top right: Fried shrimp po'boy - Johnny's is the most popular spot but you can land a po'boy pretty much anywhere
Bottom left: Shrimp & Grits from NOLA (restaurant) (this dish was pricey $29 but spectacular and totally worth it!!!)
 Bottom right: Beignets from Cafe Beignets (fried fritter covered in powdered sugar - a must!)
Honorable mentions:

Cajun Encounters (Swamp Tour) www.cajunencounters.com
We got pretty well acquainted with several gators and a family of wild boars!

Cafe Beignet is the talk of the town and of course a must-see/taste and tourist attraction.  They also serve other great dishes such as gumbo, jumbalaya, cajun hashbrowns, muffalettas and red beans and rice.

Each day brought a new adventure and great memories and I wouldn't be true to myself or this blog if I didn't give you a glimpse of my outfits lol

Now you will find many gentlemen's club as you walk through the streets at night, but you don't even have to enter them to see the goods lol.  Checkout the lady who decided a skirt and some pasties was just enough to walk down the streets.  New Orleans is like nothing I've ever seen!

Aquarium of the Americas - one of the top aquariums in the U.S.

The Shops at Jax's Brewery - shopping, dining and tourist attractions

Sunday, June 7, 2015


"BEWARE of  THE BLACK MAN," says the media 
I agree, BEWARE....
 of the rising number of black men earning advanced degrees, 
becoming leaders in their fields and giving back to their communities.

Unfortunately in today's climate, watching the news you'd think the only thing black men are capable of are being sperm donors, thugs and jail birds - which is why I refuse to watch the news and would much rather report my own.  This depiction couldn't be further from the truth.  What I despise is that these news stations tend to focus on very specific sectors of our communities (most often  inner city or areas that foster low income families plagued by poverty) and hone in on criminal incidences so much so - that it appears that's all that blacks are capable of.

I had a reality check when I studied abroad in Costa Rica my junior year of college.  I had a Tico (Costa Rican man) ask me at a bus stop "De Donde Eras?" (Where are you from?) I replied back proudly, "Soy de Estados Unidos" (I'm from the United States).  He looked at me dumbfounded.  He continued to probe and suggested I couldn't possibly be from the United States because black people aren't "from" there.  This man had never visited but believed he knew about the States from the movies he watched at the theaters and television shows he enjoyed in the comfort of his home.  I chuckled a bit, because he was right.  If all he saw were major movies like Bond and television shows like "Friends," I couldn't blame him for thinking black people didn't exist in America, because at that time in 2006 we weren't represented much on the big screen.

Another way to think about this, if I were white and grew up in an all white neighborhood, went to an all white school and all my friends were white, and all I knew about black people was what I saw on tv, what would I think?  Scary thought, right?  What's even more scary is that this is the reality for thousands of Americans!  I believe this is the biggest culprit of racism, pure ignorance, and I mean this in it's truest form.

The definition of ignorance, according to dictionary.com is "lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact."  So where am I going with this?  This post is to give you a very, very small glimpse, into the black community that is very rarely publicized.  Yes, we have one month out of twelve that highlights the same famous black people over and over and over  again! But there are so many others that continue to raise the bar, right now in the present, and I'm going to shout them out as loudly as I can.  This post is dedicated to the black men that have had all odds and bets placed against them starting from birth but have still managed to be extraordinary in their endeavors! 

What makes me most proud to highlight them are that these are men I know.  Men I lived next door to, sat in class with or met by accident lol.  The point being, they are real and they exist and everyone should be aware that there are many more like them!

Joseph T. Bonivel Jr., Ph.D

A friend of mine that I met while studying at the University of South Carolina - Columbia was recently featured in an article for "BE Modern Man: Meet The Researcher Joseph T. Bonivel Jr., Ph.D."  Let's talk about impressive - this man is only 32 years old and he holds a Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanical Engineering from USC and a Doctorate in Mechanical and Materials Engineering Science from the Univ. of South Florida.  He is currently a Senior Research Engineer in the Defense and Space industry.

Joe believes strongly in the importance of giving back through mentoring and is one of  the board of directors for ManyMentors, a nonprofit encouraging minorities and women's interest in pursuing science, math, technology and engineering.  

Archange Antoine, M.A

I randomly bumped into Archange on the USC campus back in 2005 and despite the fact he didn't even attend the University he actually saved me from being hit on by an intoxicated party-goer! As I sit back and reminisce it seems Archange has always had it in him to help, support and encourage others.  He was a great friend and spiritual mentor to me, so it didn't surprise me at all when I found out  he was recently elected as President of the Roselle Board of Education!

Archange earned a Bachelor degree in Law & Justice studies from Rowan University and a Master of Arts in Corporate and Public Communication. He's also a Black Caucus Chairman for the New Jersey Young Democrats and on the Rowan University Alumni Board of Directors.  His passion for people, politics and policy has been evident in his pursuit to represent the Roselle Public School District at the highest level.  His mission is to improve the quality of life for low income and middle class people through the promotion of education and academic excellence.  Archange's main objective is to be an example and help cultivate the next generation of leaders for the state of New Jersey.  Learn more about his initiatives and what he's doing to give back to the community here and be sure to "Like" his page and show support.  

Austin Brown

It's only right that I mention Austin Brown being that the NBA draft is right around the corner! Austin and I attended Evanston Township High School (which produced some of the best and brightest I might add) and we both participated on the school's varsity basketball programs.  Austin went on to play ball at DePauw University and as a senior was a first team all-Southern Collegiate selection. He took his game off the court after graduating and into the agent realm, as an agent with CAA sports.

Austin was recently listed among Forbes magazine's "30 under 30: The Sports World's Brightest Young Stars."  He earned that spotlight by representing 3 top - 40 NBA draft picks. According to DePauw news, "In 2014 Brown was responsible for signing two top - 40 NBA draft picks, Michigan State's Garry Harris and Michigan's Glenn Robinson III.  In 2013, Austin signed No. 9 overall selection Trey Burke, who went on to earn NBA All-Rookie first team and finished third in rookie of the year voting."  Austin is a great example for the young guys aspiring to become professional athletes.  We all know it's extremely competitive to make it that far but there's so much more that former athletes can do beyond actually playing on the court. If they have a good education in their back pocket the opportunities are endless!

James Hunter, MBA, MPA

Speaking of education, it is so crucial for us and even more important to recognize those that strive for academic excellence, because it's not easy and definitely not a cheap endeavor!  We all know we have to work twice as hard to simply get on the same level as some of our sisters and brothers from another mother so we should give credit when credit is due, even when it's not requested.  I've known James since elementary school and he's always been an overachiever.  No, really his academic ambitions are evident in his accomplishments.  James is currently a Commodity Manager for Airport Services Procurement at American Airlines.

James graduated from the Univ. of Illinois - Urbana Champaign with a Bachelor's Degree in Aviation, Human Factors and provided flight instruction at the university in compliance with FAA regulations.  James then went on to graduate from Kennesaw State University with a 4.0 MPA GPA, earning his Master's Degree in Public Administration.  However, that wasn't enough for Mr. Hunter, he also earned an M.B.A in Operations Management and Supervision and was a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society.

It's important we share the accomplishments of our brothers and show those coming up that we are better than what is portrayed on t.v.  Our black men are scattered throughout the United States and are doing amazing things across the nation to add value to our society.  We have to take it upon ourselves to promote and uplift each other because if we don't no one else will.  If you know other's that deserve a shout out please don't hesitate to send me their info and I will surely provide them with the exposure they deserve.

Email me:  kesia.king@gmail.com