Saturday, January 3, 2015

Tip: There are 3 Sizes to Every Outfit

YOUR NORMAL SIZE: The size you naturally choose off the rack in any store
ONE SIZE UP: A size larger than your normal size
ONE SIZE DOWN: A size smaller than your normal size

For the most part we usually know what size we are and are probably 80% accurate when first choosing a blouse, dress, jacket or pants off the rack. But notice I said usually, because there are times when I stare blankly in the store's mirror for minutes, trying to figure out why this medium looks off or just isn't doing it for me.

Always remember depending on where you shop, a size can be different based on three things:
1) The store
2) The designer
3) The material

Your "normal" size should act as a guide. If I have the option of S/M/L, I always start with a medium, that's generally what works for me. The other day I went to Akira and tried on a super cute, medium jumpsuit, but I wasn't getting that "WOW" factor. Nonetheless, I still took it to the counter because the concept was cute and I had been searching for a jumpsuit for quite some time. When the lady at the counter started to ring me up I was reluctant to hand her my card, that was a sign (SN: follow your instinct when shopping).

I told her to hold on, I'd like to go back and try on a small.  She gladly went to the rack, grabbed one and put me in a dressing room.  The material had some spandex to it, so although normally I'm a medium the spandex should allow the jumper to fit the shape of my body with a small. Voilà! There it was! The small gave me that "wow" factor I was hoping for, the medium was just a bit saggy. You should have some sort of idea of how the article of clothing should fit your body. Some pieces are meant to be loose, while others are meant to fit you like a glove, and this jumper needed to be fitted.

Remember, spandex is made to stretch so you should probably go down a size to get the best look.  But, to avoid all the back and forth, if you're unsure just grab 3 sizes: one up, one down and your normal size.  Don't ever be ashamed either, no one looks at your tags! They don't know what size you're rocking but they will see how your clothes fit so pay extra attention to your presentation.

This time when I went up to the counter, I pulled that debit card out with absolutely no hesitation! I can't wait to rock this fit!

Royal Blue Jumper: Akira
Invisible Heel Yellow Pumps: Akira
Choker: Akira

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