Thursday, May 7, 2015

This is How You Do Brunch!

It's insane,
the multitude of pain,
that pours like rain,
on the voluptuous frame,
that is so eloquently named,
-Kesia King

These ladies are owning their personal style.  Each with a very distinct look and genre which they made their own!
Middle: BeBe Jones - Stylist follow her: +BeBe Jones
FB: BeBe Jones
t: RowASet1
Twitter: @Bebe_Jones
IG: @ Rowaseat
A couple weeks ago I attended the Beauty and Brunch event in Chicago.  The room was filled with educated, classy, charming ambitious women.  There were entrepreneurs, bloggers, brand ambassadors, chefs, writers, saleswomen, educators, personal stylist, you name it they were there.  

After 9 long months of doing market research, networking, filming and writing my business plan, it was such a relief to finally go out and start sharing my entrepreneurial endeavor.  Outside of receiving great feedback, I was all of a sudden surrounded by potential business partners - from hair stylist and makeup artist to financial consultants and owner of a PR firm.

Myself & Takeya McCollum - Haute Kinky Hair Beauty Insider, Blogger and Brand Ambassador.
Follow her on IG @Takeya _Monique
Youtube: @ikeya88
Twitter: Takeya_Monique
HKH Discount Code: Take10

Different curls for different girls!  #Curlfriends

Upper left: Owner of Lipstick Cult - For bold and unique lipstick shades click on the link and visit her website
Bottom left:Aisha Taylor - Financial and life coach and founder of Frugal -N-Phenomenal (FNP).  Aisha is dedicated to helping women live the phenomenal lifestyle they deserve but do it in a savvy and responsible way.  Click on the link to visit her website and find ways to look good and live well without breaking the bank!
Right: Shante' - She was exuding beauty and her necklace was EVERYTHING!

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