Friday, October 30, 2015

Mix Your Passion With Purpose and Find Your Next Great Biz Idea!

So my dad is super old school. He doesn't understand why I share so much on social media. We have pretty heated debates but all those conversations do is push me to share more lol. I never set out on this entrepreneurial journey to make money. I don't share my successes to get attention, nor do I share my stress to gain sympathy. I share my business because I hope that it shows people that we all have to start somewhere, usually at the bottom, with very little resources but with an idea. In my journey, whether I successfully get this mobile salon up and running or valiant attempts go unrewarded, I hope that people will see that it's not easy, it f*cking scary, it's time consuming, it's stressful and anxiety is inevitable. But at the end of each day, I feel full. I feel like I have purpose and I feel like I can't wait to be on the cover of Forbes smiling next to a trailer with my arms crossed with a big ass smile under the title "From Entry-Level to CEO."
In the black community we don't do a great job with sharing how we accomplished certain things. I really wish I had a mentor (outside of my parents) that shared with me mistakes they made so I could avoid them. Or, things they did and resources they used that could make my journey a bit easier. So my intention to share is simply to do just that. I'm happy to tell people where I went to network and find my partners. I'm happy to tell you how to write your business plan or create projections. I'm happy to advise you on a marketing strategy. I'm no guru and I know my business hasn't even launched yet, but what I do know is if more of us shared our knowledge we'd be much better off. So with that and with this long ass post, I've decided to do somewhat of a documentary to share the highs, the lows and what I learn along the way. The term success is relative...each step you take closer to realizing your vision is worth a badge of honor.
Follow your dreams...

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