Saturday, March 21, 2015

How to Successfully Mix Patterns

Are u scared of patterns? Naw, for real...go take a quick peek in your closet - I'll wait! Do you have Polka dots? Stripes? Checkers? Cheveron? Anything Tribal?

Ok, so now that you've identified those pieces have you ever thought about pairing them together? Alright, alright stay with me. It may seem like a stretch but I promise you can pull it off. Outside of just being confident there are a few tips to consider when mixing patterns. Take a look:

Digg it? Or Nah? Leave your comment below!

1) Mix patterns that share the same color schemes. I paired a navy blue and white stripped blazer with a navy blue and white printed button up.

2) Treat stripes like neutrals. For example, pair a stripped shirt with an animal print skirt.

3) Choose a dominant print and pair it with an accent print. In this case, floral and plaid.

4) Mix a neutral print with a bold colorful print.

5) Pair together the same print but in contrasting colors. For example a leopard print green blouse with a leopard print red pencil skirt.

Check back as I attempt to pull off each of these tips. You be the judge and let me know if you "Digg It" or "Nah"! Leave a comment, what do you think about this look? Would you mix these patterns?

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