Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Don't Be Afraid to Share Your Vision!

"If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go with others" - African Proverb

A business idea came to me while I was sitting on the couch watching the Steve Harvey Show, eight months ago while on maternity leave. It was a great idea that mixed my passion with what I truly believe is my purpose: encouraging people to feel good about themselves and happy with who they are. In order to do that, one must feel good about their exterior presentation, among other things of course, but in my opinion a makeover of some sort is the easiest transformation and can help jumpstart healing and self-acceptance.

Back to the business, I inundated myself with books like 32 Ways to Be a Champion in Business by Earvin "Magic Johnson" (a total must read whether you want to own your own business or just looking for a great motivational book), A Marketer's Toolkit  (Harvard Business Essentials) and of course, article after article from Entrepreneur.com.  Now, all that is good and dandy but nothing beats speaking to someone who's been there and done that. Fortunately, my brother-in-law's father owned his own salon for years and was completely open to sharing some words of wisdom with me.  He spoke candidly about things like financing and startup costs, topics that scare the hell out of me and prevent so many from actually executing their vision. I took away some great pointers, mistakes to avoid and much needed encouragement.

After I hung up the phone I felt some type of way, this is when I realized networking, is really what makes people successful! I feel like in the black community we make everything so hard and sometimes painful. What I mean is, we work our asses off! Our parents worked two and three jobs sometimes to support us or spent long grueling hours working overtime to make sure the bills were paid. This isn't to say that our Caucasian brothas and sistas don't work as hard, but what I'm noticing now as an adult, is that White people work in much different ways, they network! A lot!

"If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there" 
-Robert Kiyosaki

Nick Arrojo (Celebrity Stylist) and the beautiful ladies from Trio Salon, Chicago
In the black community we don't do a great job of sharing knowledge. Part of me thinks because there are so few of us "at the top" we hold on to information and advice, not wanting to compete or share the thin slice of "wealthy" pie designated for the select few that manage to float to the top. On the flip side, some of us are so prideful we can't stand the thought of asking our cousin or friend how they managed to purchase such a beautiful home or how they landed that great job, or raised capital to launch their business. Pride is nothing but the Devil, if you don't know already lol. So much anguish can be avoided in your pursuit to be successful if you would just take the time to speak to those around you making things happen. If you don't know people within your immediate circle go out and meet new people and mingle at different networking events.

I called up Sharie (next to me on the right) to talk about my business endeavors because she's a great stylist that works in the city and services a diverse clientele. I wanted her thoughts on my proposal and after talking to her I ended up reevaluating the target audience for my business.  She provided such great insight that I wouldn't have otherwise discovered unless I actually worked in a salon, which I don't.  At the end of the convo she told me she had an extra ticket for the American Beauty Show at the McCormick Place Convention Center and invited me to tag along.  It was a great experience and the timing couldn't have been better. I was able to network and toss ideas around with people in the industry that I would never come across under normal circumstances. 

Yes, education is important and so is hard work, but take a look at the people on top, most of them had doors opened because of someone they knew. Never forget, it's not what you know, it's definitely who you know. If you're interested in networking and don't know how or where to start and live in the Chicagoland area "Network After Work" is a great organization that throws awesome events every month, each time at a new fancy location (nightclub). Professionals in every industry imaginable 
come out to have a few cocktails and get to know one another while building and growing their
network. I've been to several and each time I've made significant connections. Make it a priority to 
checkout at least one of these in 2015. If you don't want to go alone hit me up, I'll be your right hand Diva lol.

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