Monday, November 10, 2014

B.O.R.N to Style

One evening, I caught a commercial advertising this new show, B.O.R.N to Style. It didn't strike me as similar to anything I had ever seen. As a loyal, avid watcher of What Not To Wear I thought I 'd never see the day when another show would trump Stacy and Clinton.

Oh my! Your girl was dead wrong! While y'all going crazy, having Scandal parties over the likes of Olivia Pope, I was popping my popcorn and breaking out the bubbly for a colorful group ( I mean that in ever essence of the word) of witty, well versed, stylist that see fashion light years ahead of our time.

Jonathan Bodrick, owner of the Harlem boutique and star of the show inspired me to take styling to the next level.  B.O.R.N is the acronym for borrowed, owned, refurbished, new. Jonathan and his spicy, sassy crew, create unforgettable makeovers for their clients inside and out.

Check out one of my favorite transformations in this B.O.R.N to Style clip:

So what I didn't tell you is that I'm a recovering addict.  The network, FYI recently decided to cancel this show so I have been born-less for just about 3 weeks now.  Twitter went crazy when they realized this feel-good show had been taken off the air.  All I can do is thank God for DVR. I recorded every episode!   Well, Jonathan, JJ and Brandon please believe the next time I'm in New York I will be on 125th St. in Harlem!

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