Sunday, November 2, 2014

Shop Your Closet

Before you run to the mall to grab an outfit for an occasion or because you're bored with the clothes in your closet, be sure to take inventory first. There are several reasons why it's good to identify what you have before you spend money on more clothes:

1) Avoid buying clothes similar to what you already have. It's crazy how many black dresses, black leggings and dark denim skinny jeans I've found in people's closets!

2) Know what you need before you go shopping. Identify and take pictures of incomplete outfits then jot down what type of item to purchase that will complete the look (i.e. belt, blazer, cardigan or accessories). This will ensure you don't get distracted while shopping and buy pieces that don't go with anything you have.

3) Uncover new outfits. Pair items you don't normally wear together then try them on. You may find three to five new outfits just by taking the time to try on pieces that weren't bought together.

4) Try on old clothes. Trends come in and out of style. Something that you may not have worn in three years may suddenly make a grand return. You also may find that a piece you didn't like before has suddenly grown on you and you finally decide it's time to rock. Or, you find that you can pair an old favorite with a new item in your collection.

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