Saturday, November 15, 2014


Do you have a pair of over priced, blinged out shoes that you've only worn once because you bought them to build an outfit around? I really don't know what got into me when I bought these shoes, but it's something about your birthday that makes you spend money unnecessarily.  I get some type of 24 hour amnesia, bills, Bill who?

I picked up these beauties on the left from Bakers and the yellow invisible heel platforms from Akira.  When you wear dramatic shoes like these, it's a must that you go basic up top....busy shoes with a busy outfit can be overbearing. It's easier to put together an outfit when you build it around a statement piece wich serves as the main focus.  This doesn't mean I give up on the rest of the outfit, I just make sure the rest of the details are subtle. Yes, you want to look put together but you also want it to look effortles!

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